How Long Does Planning Permission Last?

How long does planning permission last?

How Long Does Planning Permission Last?

Buying a property in need of renovation is a huge task but can be rewarding. There are many factors to consider when undertaking a project. You need to arrange finance, engage builders or be prepared to spend many hours doing the work yourself and there is the cost of materials to take into account.

In addition to all these items, most renovation projects need planning permission and this must be obtained before the work starts. In this article we will look at the details of planning permission and how to achieve the best possible outcome when renovating a property.

What Is Planning Permission And Where Do I Get It?

Planning permission is exactly that. It is official consent to build a new property or to make extensive changes to an existing building. The location will determine which local authority gives consent. Planning permission is designed to deter builders or anyone else from developments that are inappropriate to the area.

Local authorities use national guidelines for planning permission. Getting consent is often the key to turning a derelict property into a viable residential home or changing a piece of agricultural land into a usable plot for building homes.

Property Resources:
Planning permission for England and Wales
Planning permission for Scotland
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When Do I Need Planning Permission?

Planning permission is required when you are building a new property either from scratch or by dividing an existing building into two or more homes. The local authority will take into account the location of the plans and will rule on whether they are desirable. If you are asking for permission to change anything on a listed building, this will also require planning permission. Additionally, any large changes that involve outbuildings or extensions will also need consent. Finally, if you are changing the use of a property you will also need to apply.

Are Planning Applications All The Same?

You can apply for outline planning permission and this will establish whether the local authority is likely to agree to consent. Each application for full planning permission is granted with conditions. It is a mistake to get full planning conditions approved and not to comply with the conditions. This can invalidate the permission.

Purchasing a plot of land that has planning permission attached means you must comply with the attached conditions. Conditions attached to planning permission cover many aspects and they can include the type of materials used, boundary schemes and landscaping.

Planning Permission FAQ

Planning permission normally lasts for a period of three years before reaching the permission granted expires. If the date of expiry is shorter or longer, this will be made clear on the permission itself and the documents obtained from your planning department. If you are in any doubt then contact the planning department which issued you with the permission.

Can I Apply For Planning Permission Myself?

Anyone can apply for planning permission but it can be time consuming so many people employ a planning consultant. If the site you wish to buy is a conservation area or an area of outstanding natural beauty, a consultant will be able to help you decide whether planning permission is achievable before you buy. The application must be accompanied by the fee and a map showing the location of the site or property you want to develop.

The cost of getting planning permission varies. If you want to build a new property in England the cost is £462. Application for an extension to an existing dwelling will cost £206 and in Wales the cost is reduced to £190. These prices are current.

How Long Does An Application For Planning Permission Take?

When you make an application for planning permission the authority posts a sign outside the location of the proposed development. Neighbours who may be affected will receive a letter outlining the plans and they can make any comments or objections known. This public consultation takes from between three to eight weeks. If the scheme is complex it can take longer than 8 weeks so be prepared to set aside at least 18 months to get consent.

Applying For Planning Permission

Local authorities will provide a guide about what is involved with a planning application. It is important to ensure that the necessary detailed statements are included or the application may be rejected. In general you will need to send the correct fee and a site plan showing blocks and elevations covering both existing and proposed sites. You will also need to send a Design and Access statement, a signed ownership certificate and five copies of the application form itself.

Factors That Can Affect Planning Applications

There are many factors that can affect planning applications. These are known as material considerations and can include things like government policy, disabled access, traffic, noise, nature conservation and many more. The list is long so using a planning consultant who knows the details is more likely to help your application be successful.

What Can I Do If Planning Permission Is Refused?

A high percentage of planning applications are granted so if you have been refused consent it is usually for a good reason. Plans can be amended and resubmitted and if the changes address the conditions that resulted in refusal the application may go through. Alternatively you can appeal the decision of the planning committee.

If you think the chances of a refusal are strong you can withdraw the application at any time and resubmit it with changes without paying any further fees.

Expiry Of Planning Permission

All planning applications have an expiry date and this is three years from the date that consent is granted. Work must commence before the expiry date or the permission will run out. The Planning Act states that a ‘material operation’ must have commenced and this can mean a number of things. These include demolishing a current building, starting construction of a new building, trenches or foundations and construction of a road.

Planning committees have the authority to issue a completion notice. This is a declaration that the planning permit will cease on a particular date unless work is finished. This declaration will give you at least 12 months notice to complete work. If you have bought a plot of land with planning permission and consent will expire before you have started to build you can apply again but permission is never guaranteed.

An application for outline planning permission is different. In this instance you have 3 years to submit extra matters for consideration then a further 2 years to implement the work.

Planning permission is a complex matter and consent will depend upon a number of factors. If the project is simple you can submit plans yourself. For more complex building schemes it is advisable to use a professional planning consultant who will help you to get the best possible outcome.